Blade runner! Book vs Film

There’s always a drastic change between the novel and its Film, as it is between Phillip K. Dick’s novels like in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? And Ridley Scott’s film Blade Runner the final cut. There are similarities and differences between each work making them two very different stories with very different themes. While the Novel focus on a various topics from humanity, relationships, technology and religion to environment, war and animal extinction, the Film focuses primarily on artificiality, romance, relationships and mortality.i really enjoy both mostly the book. The book is so different from the film it has so much more details.

Rick Deckard is a Blade runner, his job is to kill androids called “replicants.” Deckard’s job is to find and retire a group of replicants that has escaped from Earth’s space colonies nexus 6.  His target in the Novel is to find some peace and answers to his questions about god and humanity. He seeks these answers through Mercerism and holds tight to the notion that in order to progress and be better, he must have a real, living animal. The only way to get that is for Deckard to retire the android so that he can earn money. In the Novel, Deckard life is drenched in heartbreak and disappointment. This theme does not exist in the Film.
In the Film, Deckard hunting the Andy’s is not a particular task is and order. Deckard is shown as a vulnerable individual in search of answers. In the film It doest explain Deckard’s motivations or his life in general. In the Film, he is just Deckard, the blade runner demolisher who does the necessary dirty work, gets the girl, but ends up sad because her time is running out. He does not wake up in the morning to a human wife who might as well be artificial for all her authenticity and he does not have the option of programming his mood. Harrison Ford, as Rick Deckard, has no wife
and no electric sheep there is no religious theme in the Film and no mood-altering module, though the Film does put an emphasis on artificiality as it does to animals and technology.
Harrison Ford is not the same Deckard as in the novel. He wants to find out what it means to be human. Deckard wishes to own a real animal of his own .in the Film Deckard goes to the animal market during the course of investigating rogue androids. The Film shows the idea where artificiality blends with reality. Deckard’s primary aim is to get through the day, accomplish what needs to be done, and to get some food and sleep. In the Film, it is not religion or spirituality that Deckard is grappling with, it is not a messiah or a better mood that he needs. He does not need a wife who displays something more than programmed feelings or an animal to love and care for; in the Film, Deckard needs to be touched by humanity (or perhaps just by the perfect woman) and to come to grips with his own mortality.

i really recommended this book to everyone who likes "philosophical" books & science fiction film, it just has you thinking what it means to be real ? & what defines real? i love it !

Negatives & positive effects on Gun control laws !

We need more gun control laws because if there was to not be any gun control criminals will have and easier access to guns. Gun controls are here to provide order and less violence. In my opinion innocents citizens should have the right to be protected but then again if we give a gun to every innocent person that would be easier access to criminals to go at night attack the family into giving up there gun. Fewer guns mean less opportunity for criminals to get a hold of them. Some people claim that it is a violation to our second amendment but the question is how far does are freedoms extends? Is there a limit? The government has the ability to limit or regulate constitutional right. For instance freedom of speech it does not extend to shouting “fire” in a crowded theater. This prove that the president and his justice department and Supreme Court can enact gun laws even if ‘ bearing arms’ is an individual right we have  a limit into giving everyone to own a gun which would only make things worse because criminals will have easier access to these weapons. Criminals don’t care to break the law if they have the chance they will break in to people’s homes and take there guns. This is the reason we have gun control to decrease violence and to decrease gun so that criminals won’t get a hold of them. It would only get worse if we increase the amount of guns we have in this country. 

Why we should have less gun control laws..Gun laws only work most on citizens not criminals. Why would criminals who ignore the law against murder, rape, robbery obey a law that prohibits them from having a gun?  It’s illegal in Washington D.C to own hand guns or to even keep them in your homes. Nevertheless Washington has among the highest murders rates in the nation. This is why we should have less gun control law. If citizen actually own a tracking gun at least at home and it would not be violating there rights it will actually be helping them to bear arms at home from real criminals it will protect them from criminals. We don’t need more gun control but we do need one that actually works. We need to make laws that will protect families from robbery, murder and rape. I believe we the people should have a gun at home but there should be a limit. And by a limit I mean like with a tracking device inside so that cops are aware if the gun is remove from house hold. This will decrease crimes because we believe that by having this gun control law more people will be afraid to leave there house armed. This will actually have and impact to scared the people into committing unnecessary crimes and instead reasonable gun use in other words self defence. Once the gun is remove from the house cops will see a movement and will immediately track down the person registered from that house.and if there is a  crime occuring cops can even get to the crime faster and actually know where its occurring. This will also scared the real criminals away from the citizens who will own a gun so in case a robbery citizens can fight back until cops arrived. This will make criminals not want to break into peoples house  because they will know these citizens are no longer defenceless. 

Someone whom I admire...

 is a person that strives for better and greatness. Someone who takes responsibilities and actions to progress someone whose a winner not to others but to thyself, that is who I admire someone like my Father. He has influence me to the path of success. Some one who I define as a critical thinker Is a person that research, and has knowledge from historical context, and can balanced judgment. A person has to Study something closely and examine it in great detail in order to understand it better or discover more about it.  He tells me before making a statement or a point you have to break something down into components to find out what something is made up and examine its structure or how it’s put together. You have to express in more that one word you have to express your views with confidence. If we belief in understanding other points of view we need to identify the reasons evidence and arguments that support the various perspective. To fully understand you have to view its history. How did the point of view develop? Have you always held this view or did it develop over time this analyze helps you understand how your perspective develop. Many disputes occur and remain unresolved because the people involved do not recognize or express their assumptions. Part of being a critical thinker is simply listening and trying to understand other perspective but also we need to respond to other points of views explaining why we are unconvinced by these conflicting views and the arguments that support them. We need to question others until its get to the point that they can’t be question. The type of person we are striving to be is stronger mind and improvement of the functioning of the brain.

What is the function of art?

The function of art is to express your feelings. In art you can use many forms of way to reach out to someone and show them what you’re feeling it all depends on how you look at it. If you can connect to the art you may find something beautiful about it and see why the painter created this art. Some people may see paint splatter, regular words in a song or just a sculpture while others can feel emotions and powerful words or just something they admire. There are three categories the function of art fall from personal, social or physical functions. The physical function of art is works of architecture any of the crafts and industrial design are all types of art with physical function. Social function is when it addresses aspects of life as oppose to one persons point of view or experience. Personal function can be a person that created a masterpiece that she relates to in her personal life.
Should extreme forms of artistic expression be censored?
How can people express themselves if we censored there art work? Everyone see something different with there eyes while others may see just a naked picture that painter sees meaning to there masterpieces. Censoring there art would be taking the painters creativity. Art is the creation of beautiful things .An artist may create out of need for self expression or gratification they might have wanted to communicate a thought or point to the viewer.
 Art is supposed to be the expression of feelings the visual representation of what the artist is feeling or trying to show. Everyone has the right to have freedom of express to demonstrate there opinions and feelings. Art should not be cover no matter if others get offended art is art there’s no reason it should be censored the artist should have freedom of expressions. Once you start censoring art it will never end because so many people have so many different opinions on what is offensive and what isn’t. There’s no way to tell whether something is actually offensive because it is a personal opinion.

What do you consider to be “beautiful”?

i was reading this book called "uglies" and it made me wonder what is beautiful?
Beauty is someone that is pleasing to senses very pleasing and impressive to look at, listen to, touch, smell, even taste .Beauty is in the eye of the beholder its true everyone has there own definition of beauty what may be ugly to someone may be a goddess to another. Beauty is like art everyone has there own type of likes some guys may be attracted to blondes, green eyes, short, tall, skinny, chubby, freckles, wavy ,curly or big lips. In beauty there is no limit.  Everyone has there own definition to beauty. There is no right or wrong is an opinion. Beauty is a characteristic of a person, place, object or idea of experiences of pleasure, meaning or satisfaction.

Are all people entitled to basic human rights?

Yes even if they are convicted they should still be entitled to human rights after  conviction there are penalties for the crime that they will have committed. Human rights are those rights that all persons inherently possess. These rights are protected by various legal principals such as the rule of law. If you are a terrorist and your goals are to bomb innocent citizens, than why should we give you justice why should you be treated fair if you didn’t gave families with children a chance to live. When I see what these terrorist have done to our country, killing thousands of lives, thousand of children nor do I see an animal but something worse, something emotionless and sick. In our efforts to defend ourselves against terror we must put a limit to the law If they are definitely guilty they should not be allowed human rights. Everyone has the right to a fair trial its how we find out if someone is guilty or not, if they are definitely found guilty I don’t think they have the right to that at all. Criminals don’t think about their victims human rights. Why? The president and the government have a duty to protected the country that’s why some people have no rights because there malicious behavior and there carelessly cold heart on human kind. But we also have to follow the law and give treat them equally until they are found guilty.
What is justice? Justice is fairness or reasonableness, especially in the way people are treated or decisions are made but how can we give these so called humans fairness if they are not fair with us.

Do you believe your choices are free?

watching the zeig geist the movie made me wonder if are choices are free?...
Everyone is entitled to make there own choice. Even though we may be influenced or force by other obstacle around us at the end we have to decide what we want or what we think is best. Life is full of choices and there comes to a point where only you can decide what you want people may encourage you on what to do parents friends or your partners but at the end you’re the only one that can speak for yourself you can decide what you want to do. Most people think that life is about chances when really it’s your choice if you want to make it happened than you have the power to do it. This country represents freedom and liberty that’s why choices are free.  In my point of view the form of choosing freely means that when you are faced with different situation you are able to make your selection based on what you decide not because you are being forced by other influences. 

Do you hold yourself responsible for your choices?
 In a way yes I do because my parents may tell me don’t do this don’t go there but at the end am the one who ends up deciding. Its like college you have the choices whether you want to make it a part of your future. Everybody’s choice is free even if someone tells you not to do something at the end everyone does what they please. I believe that people are capable of choosing freely because I myself when facing situations or overcoming a problem I know and feel that it is up to me to make the choice that I want to. An example of a free choice I made was deciding whether I believe in GOD or not it is my choice whether I wanted to be religious or not.

“Zeitgeist the Movie

 There many things I disagree with and many things I agree with. Part one, entitled “The greatest stories Ever Told” questions religions particularly Christianity arguing the Christian religion specifically is mainly derived from other religions. This part argues that the historical Jesus is an astrological hybrid (is most explicitly a plagiarization of the Egyptian Sun-god Horus.) in the interest of control. “The religion takes billion of dollars” I agree with this for the fact that there are a lot of fake churches who are just in it for the profit & power. Now a days you have to be careful who to trust there so many people in a so called “Good disguise” when there are really just an act. They put this mentality into the church that there going to go to hell” or Jesus won’t love them if they don’t donate money or contribute to the church. As a Christian I believe giving money is not wrong especially if it’s for the progress of the church or for a great contribute to help the needs. I’m glad I saw this film it showed me that “The more you educate yourself where things come from the more obvious things become. You have to know the truth and see where it comes from and the truth shall set you free”