i Never knew demon could taste so Good By Anonymous

Never knew demons could taste so good

You invaded
my mind….
my heart….
my soul….
never bothering
to ask for control….
you took it anyways….
leaving no passage way….

Praying that the day would come
someone would save me….
until I realized….
I could not see my life with out you….
so I let you stay….

Mixed up
taking in your sweet smell
as I drink your milk..
never wanting to stop
you brought me
back to reality

As I stand there staring straight at you
saying nothing as we moved
and we danced
we loved
and we laughed

I forgot the times in the past
you were my demon
though you still are
but I love you and
you love me…
that is all I know so far

Free writing

You’re always here!!!… But somehow I still feel like you are never near

& all I can hear is yelling’s to my ears

& all I can see is the swellings that has no telling where it came from

& the pain we both cannot bear anymore.

This life has always been so hardcore

If you ask my heart it will tell you about this strong sore

& I don’t want any more because TRULY I was not born to be TORN

I wrote this when i was 14

I tell him am a mess
He says a beautiful mess
And this is all part of the test
But my heart will never fess
We both know we cant keep playing chess
And I even though I terribly want to go on this quest
Am still not ready to leave my nest
My parent says am the best
But I am none greater or less than the rest
Through the outside they protect my heart like a bullet proof vest
And in the inside am being shot like a shooting range target
Cage up in a ranging house of madness
Hiding from the world like a mouse
Cats and tigers out there want to pounce
maybe GOD is right its my time to bounce

Denial by Abigail .R

This strong affection can’t hide no more
I try to tell you but am weak
My heart is broken with a leak
This feeling that I feel is unbearable
Am kneeling because only you can heal
I wish you would just tell me how you feel
I still don’t understand why we can’t be
I still don’t understand this strong need
There many things I want you to hear
But it seems words don’t come so easily
I watch you when you smile
I watch you when you were with her
I watch you in denial, telling her she is who you prefer.
Dare you deny that it is I who you desire?
Stop running away just let it be…
May I say that this cannot end unsaid
To end undone, No I can never let this be?
Know matter how it ends
With the truth I shall mend.
I wake up to a tender disposition
Cried at nights & slept through the days
And everything hurts, is all a big yearn.
I don’t know how to take it
Don’t know if i  can keep on faking it


so me & my brother would always write or have like freestyle competition he actually won that days competition and i had to give him props because i really liked it.

I look into the mirror I can’t stand your face.
I gaze into your eyes & I see a hollow space.
Everything I hate I want to leave this place.
Take me up high in outer space.
You’re with me everywhere like an after taste.
You always leave me in a bitter state …
I fall down on my knees but I don’t say grace
The weight is heavy like am stuck in place.
Everywhere I look I see this same old face
Momma always told me I would be a disgrace
But I told her “wait till I leave this place
Then you’ll be calling me and you have to chase.
But you’ll never ever going to see my face
Ill close my eyes and imagine a place
Where god gave me the perfect face
Ill go back to mama and show her this face
Ill tell her now her daughter could go work for chase,
Then I open my eyes and I see my face
How can this be im still in the same place?
Is like am always going to be stuck inside this maze?

By Joe Broadway

Hide My Heart
My intuition tells me you like me
My intuition tells me your wifey
I don’t know, you just might be,
One of those phases I go thru nightly
Lonely, I won’t let them in on my secret
Lonely, its my heart so I’ll keep it
Besides, its much colder when its out for the public
Its mines, so only I’ll love it
Hide! Hide my heart, Hide

By Joe Broadway

By Joe Broadway

Not Qualified
He says “hello”
She judges his approach
He isn’t up to par
So he doesn’t get far,
Before her mind is made up
An option she presents
“Let’s just be friends & nothing more”
He interprets it the wrong way
He intends to give his all
He needs what he wants
What he has in-store
She isn’t ready for
A dinner date, movies & more
(At least not with him)
He’s hitting up her cell
Did shorty get his message?
He’s knocking at her door
He didn’t get her message
He is persistent
He goes against her wishes
Force himself upon her
“She doesn’t know what she’s missing”
She doesn’t know what he’s thinking
Tells her don’t make no plans for the weekend

No response from her as always
Adds fuel to his fire
He has desires
Best attire is worn,
To surprise her after work
To make things work,
But she is tired
She lets him speak,
And so he does

He says
“Together we will be complete,
Together we will compete,
For who has the most urge for one’s heart
We will stay strong, Together”

She takes it in
She stops and thinks
“Am I falling for this creep?”

She is
Who would’ve thought
A man that smother her
Caught her, is now with her
Just like that

Persistence is the key I will not hold
If she does not want me, I will go
No hard feelings attached
I am no match against this loser
No more chases for me
I am much cooler
By Joe Broadway

By Joe Broadway by

Waiting on Recognition
Patience is a virtue
Patience might hurt you
Waiting on results
Longer than you suppose to
She’s says that she loves you
Loves you like a brother
Why did you even bother
Your closer to her mother
Her lust is a rush
His smiles makes her blush
Your smiles makes her comfortable
Just not the way you want it to
You lied in wait
Blended in with the friends
Blended in with the family
Blended into oblivion
You like her
But she likes him
Mom likes you
But she introduces him
They held hands on thanks giving
Kissed on the new year
Blew candles on her Birthday
V.Day she sheded tears
She prized him
You watched her slip away
You prized her
But she doesn’t see you that way
She thinks your cute
But she thinks he’s hot
Your her best friend
But he’s the boy friend
Your not feeling the vibe
Your stuck in the friend zone
Your crushed inside
& it will never be known
By Joe Broadway

This is one of my favorite poets he writes about love life and basically his feelings. Its crazy because i can relate or feel exactly how he express himself with his poems. The first time i read one of his poems i was going to cry i was like omg" that's exactly what happened to me . I feel this empathy like i can feel a strong emotion when i read his poems .There are no kind of words that can express the way I feel about his poems! I mean hes everything and he knows how to express himself in all types of poetry.  The words he speaks i can relate... i feel his words lives in me.